Why Convert?

Why Convert?

The Conversion of your cooperative corporation is proposed as a solution to a staggering reduction in values of units in the existing cooperative ownership structure. It is also a desired vehicle in which to assure prompt and successful sale of units, which a sponsor may continue to own. Moreover, selling shareholders will be able to liquidate their property at higher values.
By converting the cooperative units into condominiums, the inherent value of each shareholder's investment will increase. Moreover, the target market would expand to include those who would never consider purchasing a cooperative because of traditionally high maintenance costs. Upon conversion maintenance fees will be reduced to under one-half (1/2) of their current levels, thus reducing the stigma of high cooperative maintenance fees.
One concern that existing shareholders will have is the ability to maintain the status quo, if they are not desirous or able to redeem their units. This could be the case where a shareholder may have purchased his unit as a cooperative at a very high price and leveraged such purchase at the time of sale. At current market values, these shareholders may not be able to find lending institutions to provide sufficient mortgages to liquidate their share loan and have sufficient cash to redeem their unit from the cooperative. In those rare cases, Hutton will develop a strategy to allow these shareholders a certain period of time, post-conversion, to either sell their units as a condominium or to refinance their obligations once unit values are further enhanced through a post-conversion market plan.

Advantages of a Condo versus a Co-op

Cash Free

Hutton's unique conversion process guarantees no out of pocket fee for the conversion
-Here How-

The Many Reasons to Convert from Co-op to Condo

  • Immediate Equity Appreciation
  • Higher Values
  • Faster Sales
  • Limitless Financing
  • Lower Rates (Fannie Mae)
  • Higher LTV (Up to 95%)
  • Home Equity Loans Available
  • Stable or Lower Monthly Costs
  • Cash-out of Equity Tax Free
  • Updated Governing Documents
  • Higher Reserves for Community
  • Better Regulation Enforcement
  • Reverse Mortgages
  • Easier Estate Planning
  • Lower Board Member Risk
  • Higher Owner Occupancy/Lower Tenant Presence
  • No Obligation for Owners to Cover Default by Others
  • Eliminate 80/20 Rule Problems

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