1543 West 1st Condominium

“[They] really did save our community…we never could have accomplished conversion without Hutton […]"

Patty Urban

Geddes Lake (422 units)
Ann Arbor, MI
“The Hutton Group are true experts in their field…[They] saved my investment from sheer disaster and turned it into a goldmine […]"

Alan Antaki

Woodedge (81 units)
Edison, NJ
“[The Hutton Group] covered, with great success, our financial needs, our legal problems with some dissenters, and led us to a painless conversion […]"

Jose Perewozki

Laguna Lido (48 units)
Laguna Beach, CA
"We wanted to own our units with individual deeds and knew Hutton were the experts...they addressed every issue with detailed precision."

Roman Rozenberg

1543 W 1st St
Brooklyn, NY
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1543 West 1st Condominium


Brooklyn, New York

Property Information

Location Brooklyn, New York
Number of Units 59

Before Conversion as a Co-op

Although Brooklyn real estate values were up, the prices for the co-op units in the building were declining or stagnant.
The Co-op lacked sufficient financing options which only a few banks willing to lend to purchasers or owners wanting to refinance.
The Co-op had limited reserve funds and needed money for renovation of the elevator.
After Conversion as a Condo
At conversion, units were appraised at nearly $100,000 more as a condominium than as a coop. Immediately after conversion, owners put units on the market at these higher condo prices.
Hutton arranged for Fannie Mae approval and shareholders were given the opportunity to finance their conversion with low interest rates that significantly reduced their monthly costs.
The conversion provided the funds which will be used for the elevator and other capital projects.
Results From the Converstion of 109 Lefferts
Value as a Cooperative (40% Increase) $160,000
Add: Obligation (Fees & Closing Costs) $34,000
Total Investment $194,000
Condominium Values after Conversion $250,000
Net Increase in Wealth (Equity) $56,000