Arlington Oaks

“[They] really did save our community…we never could have accomplished conversion without Hutton […]"

Patty Urban

Geddes Lake (422 units)
Ann Arbor, MI
“The Hutton Group are true experts in their field…[They] saved my investment from sheer disaster and turned it into a goldmine […]"

Alan Antaki

Woodedge (81 units)
Edison, NJ
“[The Hutton Group] covered, with great success, our financial needs, our legal problems with some dissenters, and led us to a painless conversion […]"

Jose Perewozki

Laguna Lido (48 units)
Laguna Beach, CA
"We wanted to own our units with individual deeds and knew Hutton were the experts...they addressed every issue with detailed precision."

Roman Rozenberg

1543 W 1st St
Brooklyn, NY
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Arlington Oaks


Arlington, Virginia

Property Information

Location Arlington, Virginia
Number of Units 327

Before Conversion as a Co-op

Large Co-op with stagnant market values.
Had over 70% Investor population prior to conversion
Units built in 1950’s with substantial deffered maintenance and capital replacement requirements.
After Conversion as a Condo
Unit prices skyrocketed and has been increasing well above general market rates.
Reduced investor population to less than 50% soon after the conversion.
Condo association able to use increased reserves to bridge conversion costs for differ participants and still afford to complete capital projects
Results From the Converstion of 109 Lefferts
Value as a Cooperative (40% Increase)
Add: Obligation (Fees & Closing Costs)
Total Investment
Condominium Values after Conversion
Net Increase in Wealth (Equity)